At Nour, we offer a hassle-free "no questions asked" free returns policy. This means that you can return any delivered items to us within 30 days after the delivery of your order for any reason, free of charge if the item qualifies for a return. To qualify for a refund, please ensure that all items (including any promotional gift items accompanying the order) are returned to us within 30 days of receiving your order. The following conditions apply:

Items must be in their original, unaltered, and unused condition or in the state they were received from us or our agents. The return should be accompanied by the original Order confirmation.

To initiate a return, you can arrange for collection from your delivery address by either contacting our Customer Care team by emailing our UAE team at or you can log into the "My Account/Order History" section of our website.

At Nour, we strive to ensure your satisfaction with each purchase. Here's an overview of our refund process:
Refunds will only be processed after the returned item(s) have been approved. Once approved, we will refund the total face value for undamaged items (excluding original delivery charges and cash handling fees, where applicable).
Your refund will be processed using the following methods:
Cash on Delivery: Payments made in cash on delivery will be refunded as store credit within 48 hours after the returned item(s) have been approved.

 If you prefer a store credit, the full refund will be credited to
your Nour account after the returned item(s) have been approved. You can use this store credit for future purchases on Nour without any time limit. Please note that this refund value will not appear on your bank statement as it will not be transferred to your issuing debit or credit card bank.

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