If you receive a damaged item or an order different from what you expected, please initiate the return process as outlined above. The item must be returned in the same condition as received within 30 days of receipt to qualify for a full refund. The refund will include the original order delivery charges, cash-handling fees, taxes, and any duties if applicable. Replacements may be available depending on stock availability. If an item has a manufacturing defect, it may also be covered by a manufacturer's defects warranty. If you believe your item is defective, please contact our customer care team between 10 AM and 6 PM on our UAE email at

Please note that certain items are non-returnable.

To ensure a smooth return process, it is essential to preserve the condition of the product packaging. Damaged packaging may prevent resale and impact your full refund eligibility. Our agents may inspect returned items during collection, but this initial inspection does not guarantee your eligibility for a refund.

Gifted items and items in gift orders can only be returned with a refund issued to the gift purchaser.

Returns for pre-order items are available within 30 days of receiving the order. Refunds for pre-order items will be issued as store credit only. Please contact our Customer Service representatives if you have any questions or concerns.

At the moment, we are unable to offer exchanges. Instead, please follow the returns process for the item you wish to exchange and place a new order for the replacement items.

We take pride in providing the highest quality products at Nour. If your product is damaged or has a fault, we want to hear about it. Please contact our customer care team between 10 AM and 6 PM on our email at

We reserve the right to monitor returns and may refuse orders from customers with excessive return levels. However, this Returns section does not intend to affect consumer rights under UAE law.

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